Sunday, February 12, 2012

Being Sixteen...

Sometimes I think about my life. Today I have thought about it a lot today. As of today at 11:58pm, I will be 16 years old. For some reason, this birthday has made me think a lot about the decisions I have made in my life. Being Mormon, 16 is a HUGE year. You can finally date boys... yes, real life boys!! To be honest, I didn't necessarily "date" but I have had a few guy friends whom I have had a "thing" with(basically an innocent way of saying you are going out). I never thought much of it, and we never did anything bad. I was with a guy, and ended things with him because I felt the need to keep the standards I set for my life when I was younger. I was really glad I made that decision, but looking back today, I wish I had never made the decision to like any boy at all. Now that I can date, I am extremely excited to go out and get those boys to ask other girls on dates but to be honest, it would have been the greatest JOY to be able to say "Yes! I can finally go on dates since I've never done anything like it before!" So if there is one thing I learned from this whole Sixteen-years-of-age experience, it's that you need to follow the standards. I know they lead to true joy and happiness when the time comes when you are able to finally enjoy whatever you refrained from in the beginning. Well, now that we got the seriousness out of the way... I'm SIXTEEN years old!!! Which means I'm gonna go kiss some random guy(ha. ha. Jut kidding, that's Disgusting). If you wanna check out some cute pictures of me as a child, go over to my mom's blog and look at this post.
Now, I can officially date these boys ;)
I'm gonna go practice for my driving test now!! I better pass :)


Denise said...

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

How come you rewrote the whole post?