Monday, May 30, 2011
Malfunction Monday: One of Those Crazy Days
Memorial Day is today!! For those of you who weren't aware.. Any family traditions you have for memorial day? Most families in SoCal always go to the beach, but my family goes to my grandma's house every year to celebrate my Great-Grandma's birthday. It's a great excuse to get the family together on a holiday! Today I never really put on regular clothes and ended up wearing the red suit I had posted a picture of on a previous post(Unfortunately I have no pictures of me actually wearing the suit today, but I'm sure in the near future there will be). Let me tell you one thing about this suit: I ABSOLUTELY AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!! And the bright red makes me so excited to wear it to the beach... Ahh the beach... If only school was already out and it was summer. That's still a few weeks away though, so I might as well enjoy the last part of my Freshmen year in High School. I hope everyone' Memorial day was uber fantastic and don't forget to remember the troops who are helping fight the war!!
Friday, May 27, 2011
My Theme Song

Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Malfunction Monday
I am now posting my Monday fashion, and yes you have your days right. It is Tuesday! But I still really love this outfit so I had to post it. This weekend/yesterday I was busy redecorating my bedroom. It's a work in progress, but I'm excited about the results. All I have left is to hang the cork boards, sew the curtains, and make the secret decor. Super excited to see the Final result, and I promise it will be posted about. Anyways, my outfit for the week happens to be a little Indian, since the style is very in fashion:
Top: Forever 21 Sweater: Gap Skirt: ASOS Belt: Gap
I love the pattern on this skirt! The picture is a little blurry and does the skirt no justice at all though
I really like the ruffle with cardigan style right now
The problem with this outfit is the skirt is really hard to walk in without taking small steps, which is hard for me to do. Also, The belt was added because the skirt makes my hips look super wide, and not very good looking!!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Malfunction Monday
Dear Bloggers,
I am so jealous of all of your blogs now a days because you have one day of the week dedicated for your fashion. I personally love trying new styles, and I have had this want to do the same thing as you. But I honestly had no idea what to call it. That's when I couldn't wait any longer today and decided "Malfunction Monday" was going to be the name because how often do you wear an outfit and know that nothing is wrong with it?? It never happens to me, even if nobody else can see the problem. So for the past few days I have come up with 2 of my favorite outfits from my closet.
Outfit #1:
I like this outfit because it is super cute and I love the colors! My camera lighting is horrible in this picture, so it's hard to see the colors but they are super pretty.
I would wear this to school or maybe a Mo Mo Dance.
One thing wrong with this outfit, is the shirt is sorta short so it doesn't tuck into the skirt very well.
Top: Nordstrom Skirt: H&M Necklaces: Charlotte Russe and Tai Pan Trading Shoes:DSW(Not shown, combat style)
Outfit #2
I love wearing black, grey, and red together so I was pretty much in love with this outfit when I paired it together.
I would wear this to church(maybe) and a Mormon dance
One thing wrong with this skirt is the belt doesn't stay down around the skirt.
Top: Macy's Skirt:Bought from a thrift store Belt: H&M
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Loving Seminary this Week...
This whole week in Seminary we are reviewing Doctrine in Covenants section 130-132 which talks a lot about eternal marriage. I honestly cannot wait to go to the temple one day with my future spouse. Everyday in class we share a few traits we would love our futre husband or wife to portray. I thought I would share my top 10 traits with you:
1. Honesty
2. Trustworthy
3. Worthy Preisthood holder
4. An Active Member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints
5. Funny
6. Affectionate
7. Kind
8. Respectful
9. Humble
10. An Eagle Scout
Although marriage is still awhile away for me, I need to think about the kind of guy I would like to marry now, so when it comes to dating(which is only 278 days away!!) I will be dating my potential spouse. Just always remember "You marry who you date"!!!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Fashion is a BIG deal
One thing I absolutely love about California is you can pretty much wear anything you find. Of course though, being one of the main fashion districts, you HAVE to look Good! HEAT+MODESTY=UNDETERMINED SUMMER WARDROBE... Over the summer it is so hard for me to find clothing that is appropriate to wear with the weather and my standards. Well this week it has gotten pretty hot so I've been thinking about what I'm going to wear, and I have my full summer wardrobe planned out. Just a few basic clothing i
tems such as:

Swimsuits like this make me excited to go to the beach! I love the bold color, so I will stand out :)

I love these shorts a long with many others from Gap which I pair with a mini belt, and a tucked in patterned tee

I have a feeling you'll see me in baseball tees a lot this summer because they are cute and affordable!

This skirt from Lands'end Canvas(a store I have recently fallen in love with) is personally one of my favorites and I can't wait to get it!
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